Episode 164

Short Bite - Homeschoolers Introduction to Minecraft


December 16th, 2021

16 mins 37 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

We've all heard it, we know people who play it, we've seen kids talking about it. But it's video games and that can scare many. We're thankful for Homeschooling Mom Noel Medici in helping educate us on Minecraft and how she uses it in her homeschool.

Players: 1-Infinity players
Playtime: Infinity
Ages: ?
Educational Value: Digital Legos

Touring The World Resource Guides
Check out our country resource guides to help you with your around the world journey: https://gumroad.com/homeschooltogether

Show Notes
Minecraft - https://www.minecraft.net/en-us
Minecraft Education - https://education.minecraft.net/en-us/homepage
Minecraft Education Human Body Mod - https://education.minecraft.net/en-us/lessons/human-body-organs
The Minecraft Guide for Parents - https://amzn.to/3EFpQBE
Kid Friendly Minecraft Youtube Channels - https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/the-12-best-kid-friendly-minecraft-channels-on-youtube

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